Monday, November 14, 2011

Say what?!?

Heard back from Dr. Umstead’s office. They called and asked me to come in so Dr. Umstead could discuss the results of the tests with me. I get there and the first thing they drop on me is that they’re going to do a biopsy. Hold the phone! A biopsy?!?! Isn’t that just something they do when they think there’s cancer? I can’t have cancer. I just have irregular bleeding. The nurse tells me to try and relax. They do this every time someone has heavy bleeding. Then Umstead finally comes in the room, says something about it looked like I have fibroids in my uterus that weren’t there during my pregnancy, and since it’s manifested itself so fast that I’ll probably have to have a hysterectomy. Also lets me know that if I lose any more blood and don't take an extra iron supplement daily that I'll have to have a blood transfusion because my iron levels are so low. Mind you, this is all while he’s taking a tissue sample from my uterus (not the most comfortable of things!) He finishes and starts to walk out the door. Whoa, whoa, whoa! I have questions! Does he have time to give me answers? Nope. The only answer I get is that I should have results by Wednesday, Thursday at the latest. He has the nurse photocopy a few pages from a book about fibroid tumors and care after the biopsy. Grr…

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