Round 7 actually starts on my favorite non-holiday day of the year: May the 4th. May the 4th be with you! (I wait all year to be able to use that!) Anyway, after 3 more rounds of chemo, my oncologist scheduled me for another CT scan to see how things were progressing. I wouldn't get my results until the following Thursday when I met with her. Well, knowing that as soon as she signs off on the paperwork, I can view it online, I snuck a peek on Monday. BIG MISTAKE! I read the report which showed that the measurements from the March scan were 6.4 x 5.9 x 5.3 cm and the measurements from the May scan were 6.3 x 5.1 x 5.4 cm. Needless to say, I freaked out a bit! I mean, if it's not working, why am I even doing it? And more importantly, if it's not working, it makes me
so angry that I've been giving up all this time with Chase. And what happens now? Surgery? Radiation? Different chemo? Ugh...
Well, Thursday came and I got my finger stuck then made my way back to see the doctor. Imagine my shock when she was happy with the results! She started by pointing out that it's not growing and that it hasn't moved anywhere else. Then she tells me that the measurement isn't the size of the tumor, it's the size of my uterus. Apparently, the first and last numbers are pretty close to normal and the middle one is the one that shrank the most, so she felt that was a positive. She also reminded me that I have fibroid tumors which can also be causing the abnormal middle measurement. She recommended another PET scan (which won't happen until June because insurance only covers one every three months... GRR!) She said that will give us a much clearer understanding of what's going on because it actually measures the cancer cells and their activity. When I asked her what we'd do if the PET scan showed that the chemo didn't work, she said she'd rather not worry about that unless it becomes an issue. Yet another big relief! And she kept May 31st as my last chemo treatment, so YAY for that!!! The scan also showed that I have hydronephrosis in my left kidney. Basically, my kidney isn't draining the way it should. When she brought that up, I told her my three months was almost up for my next stent exchange. Really looking forward to that...
Chemo went well. Same old, same old (which I am
totally NOT complaining about!)

Day after, I slept til 8, cleaned out my closet (top to bottom) and all of my drawers, and spent time trying to ward off my son (which you all know how much I
hate!) It was especially hard today because he gave me my Mother's Day present early. He and Chris had been looking at some things online and he got really excited about this pair of Mickey earrings and a matching necklace. Chris said the ones he picked out were red, but he got the blue ones because it's Chase's birthstone.
I LOVE THEM!!! And Chase was so proud! He brought me the box, let me open it, and kept pointing at them and going "oooooh!" Then when I took them out, he took the earrings and held them up to his ear, then mine, then his, then mine. He also showed me where the necklace goes. He about breaks my heart, though, when he tries to give me a kiss and I have to tell him no. So today, we blew kisses to each other instead. He seemed pretty happy with that! Only 18 more hours until I can get my hands on him and smooch him to pieces!
Got my shot at 3 and that really slowed me down, as usual. Was able to run to the store, make dinner, and put away the dishes before the ache set in. Took some Tylenol and got good and comfy on the couch, which really makes a difference! Chris even got out the heating pad and hooked it up on my side of the bed, just in case I need it during the night. Sometimes I really don't know how I got so lucky!
let your boys pamper you!!!you are well-deserving!!!