Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Hair Loss

To be perfectly honest, this was the thing I was dreading most about chemo: losing all of my hair. I've always loved my hair. I've loved doing different things with it, trying new styles, playing around with braids or clips. Not having hair kind of limits your options on those things. So on Saturday, when my hair started falling out, I thought it was a joke. Why? Because it didn't start with the hair on my head. Now, my oncologist told me that I was going to lose all of my body hair. I'm not sure why, but it didn't register then that she meant all of my body hair. I'm sure you can imagine my shock when the first hairs to really start falling out were in my girlie area. And I'm sure you can imagine the laughter that followed when I told Chris! On Monday, though, it wasn't quite as funny because along with losing those hairs, I was starting to shed a little from my head as well. Nothing huge, just a little more than normal. Then when I woke up this morning and took my hair out of my ponytail, this came with it:
Most of you know that I've been joking about this from the beginning. I mean, it's inevitable, there's nothing I can do to stop it, so why waste time getting upset. Well, I got upset. Not bawling hysterically upset, but tearing up and going to Chris for a hug upset. I challenge anyone staring at a handful of their hair to do something different, though! So I get over it, get in the shower, and guess what? MORE hair. And not just a couple of strands, clumps. So I decide that this is going to be my last morning with hair. I wash it, condition it, dry it, style it, and say my goodbyes. I'm going to have Chris shave the rest off this afternoon. I'm not going to let cancer take my hair from me. I'll be the one to take it, thank you very much!


  1. i love you, my brave, sweet girl! you will be just as beautiful bald!!!

  2. Wow. Your medicine is strong stuff! I know it must be quite a shock to see the visible signs even though you knew to expect it. That chemo is going to knock that cancer out and then everything will come back better than ever! So proud of you. :)Love you!

  3. Jayme,
    This is a day that I have both been dreading for you AND looking forward to it's arrival. Strange I know. Losing your hair is a big event for a woman, especially a young woman. A friend, Linda, was battling breast cancer and we were bemoaning the fact that her hair was starting to fall out. Dr Mark said" That shows that the chemo is working". So I say we are starting to see results!! Hooray and let the baldness begin!! My grandaughter takes it all in stride and she IS going to KICK CANCER with a vengeance.

  4. I can only imagine...I am so glad you laughed about your girlie hairs, but I am even more glad that you are taking the reins! If I didn't have a big, misshapen melon, I would be bald with you! You put your order in...let's hope that when it grows back in the not so distant future that you get the locks you asked for!
