Friday, January 6, 2012

Pills, Pills, Pills

So as I'm eating breakfast this morning, I stop to count the pills that I'm taking. Guess. Just guess how many pills I take each morning. 13. 13! And I take 5 more in the evening. Ugh. At least some of them are only for a few days following treatment and then I'll get a break for a couple weeks.

Went back to the oncologist again today for my Neulasta shot (another crazy expensive thing... is nothing about this cheap?!?) The shot is supposed to stimulate my bone marrow to start making white blood cells since the chemo is killing the ones I already have. This is supposed to reduce my risk of infections, which is great! Was thrilled to find out that it's administered through my belly. Actually wasn't near as bad as I thought it would be, though. They warned me that my bones and joints might start to feel achy, but 4 hours later and I'm still feeling pretty good! Just hoping it stays this way.


  1. 13??? must look like a highly unusual bowl of cereal! Give yourself a hug for me! thoughts and prayers always!

  2. Thanks! Yeah, if they add any more pills, I'm going to have to get a bigger daily pill box for them all to fit! Let's hope not ;o)

  3. Jayme, try buying or finding a cookie jar to put your pills in. It will keep them accessible and still hide them in plain site. The sillier the better as far as design goes.
