Sunday, January 29, 2012

Still Mommy

So, I have to say that by far the worst thing about this whole cancer/chemo scenario is the effect it has on Chase. I mean, he's been fairly tolerant of all of the crazy things that have happened so far, like Mommy being stuck in the hospital for 5 days and having to go there to see her. He has been completely unphased by the bald look. He's even been okay with the 48 hour no-contact after chemo thing. How could he not when he gets extra time with Grangran or Grandaddy? I think he's reached his limit this week, though. On Monday, he went for his 15 month appointment which included his chicken pox, MMR, and flu vaccines. These vaccines all happen to be given as live viruses. The pediatrician tells Chris that since I'm getting ready to do another round of chemo that I shouldn't have any physical contact with him for at least ten days. TEN DAYS?!? Are you for real?!? Do you understand that he is not old enough (thank goodness!) to fully grasp what's going on? I mean, I can say to him, "Chase, honey, Mommy's immune system is weakened from the chemotherapy that is hopefully shrinking her tumor and since you got your shots, that means that I'm not allowed to touch you until next Thursday." How much of that does he actually understand? Hmmm... "Chase, Mommy..." then he thinks "Yes, please!" On Friday, he had enough of 'Mommy from afar' so he taught himself how to climb onto the couch so he could sit with me. What else could I do but go and put on socks, pants, and long sleeves for a little snuggle? And when I was sitting on the floor tonight and he ran up to me, threw his arms around my neck, and squeezed, could I do the smart thing and gently lead him away? Nope! I squeezed right back. So of course, I get a week's worth of pent up hugs tonight. The more I read, the more I think that somebody was just being overcautious. All I know is that come Thursday night, I am wrapping that boy up in the biggest hug and planting smooches all over that sweet face of his!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. he knows you love him, and daddy and i have tried our best to love and snuggle him...but, no one can ever be as good as his mommy!!!

  3. I dont fully understand and I am 25, i saw my grandma yesterday for 1st time since she started her treatment and I couldn't hung her its so tough. But he knows you love him and hes young so WHEN you beat this he wolnt even remember, stay strong and just know your family is with you and they all love you very much.

  4. Jayme,
    I have tried to think of ways you could touch that sweet little boy, but after all my senarios in my mind, I cancel them out and say to myself "Jayme must stay safe". Ten days can seem like an eternity now. I know you ache to hold him. You are lucky he has not felt badly from his shots and REALLY wanted you!!
    Grandaddy said he wished we cold bring him up with us for 10 days.

  5. That made my heart hurt for you. I can't even imagine not being able to touch him for that long. :(

  6. Oh, this made my heart just ache for you. You're sure having to do the hard things to be such a good Mommy. Staying strong and getting well is a huge part of your job! Keep up the good work! Love you!
