Thursday, January 26, 2012

Round Two *ding ding*

Round two of chemo and all done in one day! Woohoo! Started with a finger prick to check my blood levels and they were all looking pretty good. Met with the doctor and finally heard the news from her (instead of reading medical notes on my own!) that there is no cancer in my bones or in my bone marrow! It's all confined to the "very large mass" in my abdomen. With this information, she was able to stage me: 1E. The 1 means that it is only effecting one set of lymph nodes, or in my case, one organ not of the lymph system. The E stands for "extralymphatic organ involvement." So, again, I'm extremely lucky because we found it so early!

Chemo was much smoother today. They had all of my stuff set up already, so as soon as they got the clear from the doctor, I was able to start. Got my saline and Benadryl, had a nice visit with Patricia (who brought me breakfast!), then took a nice nap. Thanks, Benadryl! They started with the Rituxan this time since it took so long last time. Still a three hour drip, but that's MUCH faster than before! Got my push of the chemo drugs that I'm on followed by a hour drip of Cytoxan. I was actually home by quarter after 4! Huge relief since last time I was there until quarter after 5 and had to go back for more the next day! 

I also had a doll to keep me company this time. She was a big help, cuddling with me while I napped and just being there all day. This doll came from a very special girl that I have the privilege of knowing. She is just amazing and has overcome so many obstacles in her life already. She had multiple surgeries when she was younger and this doll kept her company through them. When she found out that I have cancer, she sent her to me with the reminder that we can do anything we set our minds to. She is truly an inspiration!
Thanks, Morgan!!!


  1. As you have frustrating days, remember, your courage is inspiring all of us.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So glad things went smoother & faster yesterday and glad you know specifically the stage and can focus on kicking it! You look wonderful. Have a great weekend. Love you!

  4. I am so happy that it only took one day and that the cancer is in one mass and no where else in your body. Two down! Keep it up Jayme! =)

  5. such good news! i am so lucky to have such a strong, positive woman as my daughter. i have heard that a good way to judge a successful woman is to look at her children....if that's the case, i'm a very successful woman!!! i'm so proud of my amazing daughter!!!

  6. That's great news jay!!! Keep on keeping on:) love u girl.
