Before I start, I have to say that I have been SO lucky so far. I made it through 7
treatments with only one cold (which was no fun), but working with germy little
kids all day, it could have been MUCH
WORSE. Right after round 7, Chase got a stomach bug from his cousin and it
was also going around school. I had 7 kids out with it. Needless to say, I
couldn’t resist anymore.
I stayed after school late on Tuesday for a training (which
was fantastic!) and was feeling fine. After I got home, I was feeling a little
tired, but I figured that was just because I had such a long day at school. Wednesday
morning, I woke up at 5 puking my brains out. Needless to say, I put in for a
sub and stayed home, hoping for a 24 hour bug that would pass quickly. I slept
in 2 hour increments all day, waking up to get sick before falling back asleep
again. Water and juice wouldn’t even stay down. I was able to keep down a
little sip of Gatorade each time I got up, but that was it.
Thursday, I woke up and was still getting sick. Called in
for a sub again then took my temperature. It was 100.3 (I don’t ever get a fever!) My oncologist told me
that if it ever got over 100.5 to call. Since I was close but not over, I just went back to
sleep. When I woke up 2 hours later, I checked it again and it was 102.4 so I
called the doctor. When I told them everything that was going on, they asked if
I could come in right away. Well, right away ended up being 45 minutes later
because I was getting sick again. Fun, fun! I get to the office and the first
thing they do is give me a mask because they don’t want me sharing my germs
with the other cancer patients. They do my weekly blood draw then I hear the
nurses discussing my results. I didn’t catch much, but I did hear the word
‘critical’ more than once. Never a good sign! Then they bring me back to see
the doctor (who I only see before my treatment… another not-so-good sign!) She
tells me that my white count is 0.76 (3-4 is considered normal in chemo
patients, hence one ‘critical’ comment), my pulse was 157 (hence another
‘critical’ comment), and that she wants me to go to the hospital. NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I do NOT want to go
back into the hospital. Isn’t there anything
else we can do? She went and checked their stock of antibiotics, thinking that
they could maybe give them to me there, as well as a potassium and magnesium
infusion since those counts were ‘critically’ low as well. They didn’t have
what she wanted me on, so she sent me to the hospital. As much as I hated being
in there, I’m really glad that I went. I was feeling very weak and had lost 11
pounds in 2 days because of the whole getting sick thing. The first thing they
did was hook me up to IV fluids (through my port… I’m not sure if I’ve ever
said how glad I am that I have that!). By 7 that night, I was feeling so much
better. I hadn’t thrown up in 6 hours, though my stomach was still upset. The
nurses took another blood sample, and my white count had increased slightly.
On Friday, I woke up feeling like myself again. My primary
care doctor and my oncologist both came and visited me. I was told that I would
have to stay until my white count was over 2.5. Boo! So I spent the day in bed
doing school work. I made Chris go to Disney because it was opening day of Star
Wars Weekends and there were some pins that he wanted. Our original plan was to
go as a family with both sets of grandparents on Friday and stay til Sunday. My
hospital stay ruined that, but I wasn’t about to let him miss out on the pins
if he could go! I had Game Show Network on all day, and let me tell you, I
would SO win some big money if I went
on a game show!
The best medicine! |
Saturday, my white count was 1.85, so still on the rise.
Things can never be easy, though, so my hemoglobin dropped to 7. The oncologist
came in and said that she was happy with my white count, but asked me if I was
feeling tired or cold. Nope! I guess those are the symptoms of a low red count.
She said that a red cell transfusion could be done, but since I’m so young,
they don’t want to do that if they don’t have to. I also told her that I hadn’t
had my iron supplement since Tuesday, so she started me back on that. She also
took me off of IV fluids since I was able to keep down food and drink, so I was
able to shower. I don’t know why, but showering makes me feel
so much better! I was missing Chase like
crazy, so Chris’s parents brought him up to the hospital to visit me. I had to
wear a mask when I was with him, but it was so totally worth it! That has to be
the worst thing about being in the hospital: missing my boy. I know he is in
such good hands with either of his grandparents, but that doesn’t stop me
missing him. When he was ready to leave, it took a lot for me not to demand
that I be allowed to leave with him! Late Saturday night, I get a phone call
from Chris. Guess who has the stomach bug now? I hate that I’m not there to
take care of him when he’s feeling so crummy. He tells me that he’s not going
to come to the hospital because he doesn’t want me to get it again (for which
very thankful!) I’m also very
thankful that Chase is still with Grandma and Grandpa so he won’t get the bug
Sunday, my white count is 3.89. I’m busting out of this
joint! Major bummer, though: the doctor and the oncologist both tell me that I
shouldn’t stay at home until Chris isn’t sick anymore. I finish my book while
I’m waiting to be discharged (why does
that always seem to take forever?!?) Mom drives me home so I can grab work
clothes, my meds, and a few other essentials before I go to sleepover camp at
Mom and Dad’s. I got them to watch Star Wars with me, so that was fun! I also
had my dinner of choice and one of my
Dad’s delicious cakes, so it wasn’t too bad (even though I missed my husband
and my bed!)
On Monday, I went back to work. My principal came through my
room to ‘see if it was true.’ My response: ‘Huh?’ He explained that he heard I
got out of the hospital yesterday and was back at work today and he didn’t
believe it. He called me ‘amazing’ more than once (which I’m not, but it was
nice to hear!) He also said that I’m crazy because I told him that I would’ve
been there with my IV pole if they would’ve let me. I just hate missing school,
especially this time of year because I’ve got so much to do with them. I got
Chase back on Monday afternoon, which made the day even better! We got his
playpen and he joined in our sleepover. Dad bought him a pair of Crocs, which
he insisted on wearing with his pajamas while boogying along with Dancing with
the Stars.
Tuesday, I finally get the news I’m waiting for. Chris is
feeling better, his fever is gone, and he’s not getting sick anymore. We’re
going home!!! As much as I love my parents, I was so happy to be back in my bed, using my shower, with all of my
things. Most of all, though, I was ecstatic to have my family together again! I
hate when this cancer takes time away from us being together. I understand that
sometimes it’s necessary, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it!